Keywords cyberformance, UpStage, live performance
Format workshop
Abstract : participants will learn about UpStage, an open-source web-based platform for cyberformance; how to use it and how to create live online events. we will prepare for a jam performance as part of the cabaret – sourcing & creating digital media and developing a concept and structure.
Metodology: it will be a hands-on workshop; participants will ideally have their own laptops, some can share if not everyone has one. the workshop will be in roughly 3 parts: 1 hour of basic learning of the interface and tools; 1 hour of discussing how a performance is created and talking about ideas for the jam; 1 hour of preparing material for the jam.
Language: english
Infraestructure needed : internet access for all participants; beamer (i can bring a little one if necessary); participants should have own laptop & headphones
Recomended lectures : http://www.upstage.org.nz has information about UpStage & links to reading material, documentation of shows, etc. also on 30/31 july there is an open walkthrough in UpStage so if people want to have a go beforehand they are welcome to attend this (there’s information on the UpStage web site)