Cafeta de la Muerte // Death Cafe para que la muerte deje de ser
Keywords: death, life, discussion, cake
Format This is not a lecture or a workshop, because there is no set agenda – it needs to be open enough to allow for sharing a wide variety o f experiences and ideas.
Abstract: A “Death Cafe” is a small gathering in a comfortable environment, where people can talk about all things related to death and dying (usually over coffee & cake). The Death Cafe movement started in Switzerland some years ago and has been spreading in recent years especially in the UK and the US, but also many other countries as well. The objective is ‘to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives‘. Death is a taboo topic in many cultures, and the neoliberal emphasis on “self-responsibility” and “self-optimization” even makes dying often seem like a moral weakness. Taboos tend to increase fear, and fear limits us – and fear of death can inhibit us from fully living. To live the way we want to live, though, we should be aware that we will not live forever (would we even want to?). Death, along with birth, is what makes us human – so let’s talk about it.
Metodology: Informal gathering in a comfortable setting to talk. The facilitator helps the conversations to run smoothly and makes sure everyone is ok, but does not set out specific agendas.
Language: english