Satellite fishing // Pescando Satélites

Pescando satélites / talleres para aprender a buscar satélites,
identificar sus frecuencias y escuchar las señales que emiten
Keywords: satellites, invisible technologies
Abstract: satellites send their information via radio. we want to show how one can know where they are; where to find out, what frequency they broadcast on; how we can pick up their signals. we use and explain/show Gpredict (free software) and quisk (also free software), and bring all necesary equipment.
part 1 – talk: introduction to movement of satelites, some historic developments, some art work
part 2 – hands on workshop: we go outside and fish 🙂 -> open air -> think of hats for your heads!
Format workshop
Workshop facilitators: reni and jogi hofmüller
Language: english
10 – 12 participants max.