Format: workshop DIT + playing around, learning by doing, audiovisual installation (if happens)
Abstract: instalacion fija de sonido y visuales construido entre todas que puede ser modificada al gusto
juguetes, piezos, componentes, synths, keyboards, software, radios, instrumentos, bendings,.. sobre la mesa y a trans-ferir informacion, frequencias, esquemas de circuitos, sonido…
construccion de aparatillos si se da el caso
presentacion Analgital Makcik Synth
fixed sound-light installation builded by all of us that can be modified as wished
toys, piezos, components, synths, keyboards, software, radios, instruments, bendings,.. onto the table and transfering information, frequencies, circuits schematics, sound..
device construction if happens
presentation of Analgital Makcik Synth
Metodology DIT Do It Toghether / Haz-lo tu misma – DIWO Do It With Others / Haz-lo con otrxs – Share info, learning by doing, whatever happens happens.
Language NOISE