Keywords: netradio, mobile streaming unit
Format: performative event: the role of the spectators changed from the expected role of a passive hermeneutic process of decoding the performer’s articulation to something much more active, entering into a praxis, »in which meanings are not so much communicated as created, questioned and negotiated.
Abstract: Hands on introduction of the technical/conceptual setup of a Radio Ramona and Ruelles : a mobile online streaming unit with a Raspberry Pi, battery, a wifi Dongle, a USB soundcard and a powerd USB hub. A Gstreamer script initializes the Icecast server and interrupts a preprogrammed playlist with a LIVE feed. All managed in liquidsoap a streaming server software. During the performative event I will explain how to build it your self, contextualize the projects and articulate my critical approach towards technological tools for a common voice.
Metodology: Learning by listening, acting and voicing
Language english