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Category Archives: Nodos



[gynePUNK BIOlab] laboratorio de diagnosis lowcost Critical Debate: Cyborg romanticism and futurist fetisch-ization Del-EM: sistema de extracción menstrual Tacticas feministas en la red / Feminists tactics in the net Seguridad digital The transformative potentials of oThe transformative potentials of online space – queer strategies through networked performance art Taller del teatro de la emancipación Cómo […]

[TALLER] Primeros Auxilios en Caso de Aborto y Derrame


keywords: gynepunk, aborto DIY, aborto DIWO, primeros auxilios, labhorteras, coñocimientos libres abstract: el aborto [espontáneo o DIY que sea] tiene algo riesgo de  desangramiento. en este taller se pasarán informaciones fundamentales sobre prevención de riesgos en caso de aborto DIY, y se dará una formación básica de primeros auxilios: que hacer y sobre todo lo […]

[Taller] Armas de Destucción de Misa (diseño en hotglue y gimp)


keywords: gynepunk, lab.horteras, aborto DIY, documentación, difusión, diseño web, servidora transfeminista, usuarias transfeministas abstract: como precisas arquitecturas de precisos espacios físicos retro-alimentan el descarado afán de control por parte del patriarcado y ya no pueden negar su esencia colonizadora, la de los espacios virtuales tampoco es totalmente libre de ciertos sistemas de opresión. podemos intuir […]

Animals having sexuality issues [music performance]


keywords: animals, performance, sexuality, sexual preferences, fetish, trumpet, clarinet, trunk, slime, costumes Two animals chanting in a sexual courtship discover that they develloped emotional cramps because of their sexual preference duties. A process of anxiety, hormon driven deliverance and bizarre fetish compensation takes place. Nothing is real, everything is permitte For clarinet, trumpet, custumes and movement.

TransHackFeminist Manifesto!


keywords: Manifesto, pluriality, knowledge production, Deciphering TransHackfeminism Abstract: This workshop proposes to start a collective process which aims at reflecting on and about the meanings of TransHackFeminism through the format of a Manifesto. Manifestos are a signal of their time, place and space. It is a form of narrative that can be produced by and for […]

What is genitalism? And the usage of language in emancipative contexts regarding sexes


keywords: Genitalism, emancipation, sex, gender, critic, language, activism, trans, cis, inter, assignment, body hierarchy Abstract: Genitalism is a term invented by German antisexist activists that should describe the verbal (and following perceived) reduction of sexes on genitals. The workshop will start with some critical informations about the history and consequence of terms and categories like […]

Hacking gender constructions


keywords: (doing) gender, (de)construction, social hacking/engineering Abstract: Before hacking gender, it might be useful to have a look at how gender is constructed in society: Why do people usually ‘see’ only two genders? Which ‘tools’ are used to establish a bias between the concepts of ‘male’ and ‘female’? … And what can ‘hacking’ mean in […]

Pornotrash [performance]


keywords: Body, nudity, genderhucker Pornotrash is a performance in two parts centered on the body, its oppression, its liberation, on social construction of nudity and of the body as a space and lab for practices and relations. performance partecipatory to be presented on the Transfuturist

servidorx servidx // server served


keywords: server, servidora, montaje, basico, screen formato: taller Abstract: Montaje básico y simple de un servidor. trabajar con screen. metodologia: escoger una máquina para el montaje. configuración. trabajar con screen por terminal así todo el grupo puede seguir los pasos tomados.

Hack the baby


keywords: crianza, breeding, abstract: la propuesta verte alrededor de dos preguntas cruciales (y de alguna manera conectadas entre ellas) que se hace cualquiera de nosotras se enfrente al reto de la crianza o que se encuentre involucrada en sus procesos. – como educar nuestras creaturas a ser personas, fuera del dualismo hombre/mujer? (y cual son […]