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The transformative potentials of oThe transformative potentials of online space – queer strategies through networked performance art

Keywords: Networked performace, queer, transformation, internet, technology, post humanism, activism

Format: Lecture

Abstract: This lecture/ discussion will centre on the transformative potentials of the internet if seen as an activist space of exploration. The focus will be on networked performance practices, where possibilities to perform and hack gender is of special interest. The lecture is in two parts, the first part will show examples of artists and projects that use technology, which rethinks the body and explores modes of identity and gender transformation through the use of networked space. There will additionally be a focus on the status of the body in this process and on the embodiment reinscribed in today’s feminist and queer post human discourses. The second part will be a discussion where new strategies and ideas can be put out and inscribed in the development of the autonomous server; to discuss the possibilities that this server can have for the development of activist queer networked performance projects

Metodology: The lecture/ discussion will be in the form of first a presentation that shows relevant examples of art works and theory, preferably projected (if there is a projector available on site) and with a small discussion in the end. The second part is a collective discussion and brainstorming.